Every Life Needs Music!

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In one tiny seed there are many trees and thousands of  fruits...with seeds

(If only we would plant that one tiny seed!)

Remmy’s Piano Service Inc.

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Today, piano service and restoration can be very expensive. Piano owners who are trying to give themselves or their children the opportunity to learn music are confronted with exorbitant prices for honest and competent piano service.

They ask themselves two basic questions:

Do I have to spend a lot of money to have my piano sounding and playing well? Where can I find an honest and competent piano technician or piano repair shop?

Most people walk away at the first quotation because the price is too high.

Our company offers High Quality Work at prices you can finally afford. We have several types of services to suit your specific need. Click on any of the services listed in the left column to view.



A Piano Is More Than A Sound Investment!